
关于”郎平“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Peng Lang。以下是关于郎平的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”郎平“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Peng Lang。以下是关于郎平的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Peng Lang

Lang Lang, born in June in Shenyang, China, is a pianist. He is the youngest pianist in the world and a master of the Chicago forum. As the greatest young musician in the United States, the American people's "youth who will change the world" won Lang Lang's first long-term cooperation with Berlin, Vienna and the United States at the top concert in Europe and America He has become another world leader after Horowitz and Rubinstein.

His musical talent and passionate nature make him become the most ideal interpreter of classical music and the idol of young people.




Mapesa is the only daughter of King iv. She is le and elegant. She has been trained by her father since childhood.

She is like a young hero. She is not allowed to have any idea of love and marriage. In order to deal with the crowd now rushing into the palace, the king proposed that a man must defeat him in the carriage race in order to win his victory.

The death of his daughter would be the punishment for the loser. The king was sure of his victory, for his horses came from Ares stables. Many young princes lost their lives.

The last to come was mesenia, who was not discouraged by the fate of the men, because he had Poseidon around him. The sea god gave him two fleet horses and advised him to escape the king's attack with a reward as soon as he won the race. He did the same, and King iv lost his daughter.

His only hope was to drown himself in a river. Idas and mapesa soon came to a river, where idas put down his beloved and rested, ate and drank. They spent the night in a nearby temple.

In the morning, kamidas discovered that mapesa had been stolen by Apollo. He chased the immortal Apollo, and he felt ready to fight for his love and give his life. Apollo held his arrow that could not escape.

Ida went forward with his sword. The duel was about to begin, and suddenly they heard thunder around them. Zeus himself came to stop the unequal contest.

He gives the girl a choice, one is immoral, the other is eternal glory, the other is a mortal life, full of loyal love, mixed with endless anxiety and sadness. Fearing God's infidelity, marpesa refused Apollo's sweet words and chose a life partner with a similar fate. Apollo left in a bad mood, and ADAS felt that he was on the top of the world..









Lang Ping


Lang Ping is a famous Chinese volleyball coach and former player. She was born in 1960 and won multiple international championships with the Chinese national volleyball team in the 1980s, becoming a legendary figure in Chinese volleyball. After retiring, Lang Ping began coaching and led the Chinese women's volleyball team to win gold and silver medals in the 2008 and 2016 Olympics respectively. Lang Ping is highly respected and influential in the Chinese sports community, and is known as the "Iron Hammer" and "Diamond Coach".




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