my home rules英语作文_五年级真题英语作文5篇

关于”my home rules“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My Home Rules。以下是关于my home rules的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

my home rules英语作文_五年级真题英语作文5篇

关于”my home rules“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My Home Rules。以下是关于my home rules的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Home Rules

My Home Rules


In my home, we have certain rules that we follow to maintain a harmonious and organized living environment. These rules help us to create a peaceful and respectful atmosphere that everyone in the family appreciates.


Firstly, one of the most important rules in our home is cleanliness. We believe in keeping our living space tidy and clean. Each family member is responsible for their own personal hygiene and cleanliness of their rooms. We also take turns to clean the common areas like the living room and kitchen. By following this rule, we ensure that our home is always presentable and welcoming.


Secondly, respect is a fundamental rule in our home. We respect each other's privacy, opinions, and personal belongings. We listen to one another, value each other's ideas, and always treat each other with kindness and consideration. This rule helps us to foster a strong bond and a sense of belonging within our family.


Another rule that we strictly adhere to is punctuality. We believe in the value of time and being punctual for appointments, family gatherings, and other commitments. Being on time not only shows respect for others but also helps us to manage our time efficiently. This rule ensures that we are responsible and reliable individuals.


Lastly, we have a rule of maintaining a positive and supportive environment. We encourage open communication and provide a safe space for everyone to express their thoughts and feelings. We offer support, encouragement, and help to one another in times of need. By following this rule, we create a loving and nurturing atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported.


In conclusion, my home rules are centered around cleanliness, respect, punctuality, and maintaining a positive environment. These rules have helped us to create a loving and harmonious home that we all cherish. By following these rules, we not only maintain a pleasant living space but also nurture strong relationships within our family.



Home is a place to rest, home is a place to take her away from the wind, home will never change, no matter you are poor or rich, home will always embrace you, no matter you are happy or sad home, do not live in it, just a house, although it may be luxurious home, full of love, that is, you have no beautiful clothes to wear, but also heaven, delicious food.



满分英语范文3:my home rules

(my hometown) my hometown is a beautiful village, far away from the town, there is a clear stream arc around the village, which makes the village like a peninsula. On one side of the stream, it is continuous farmland. Farmers are busy in the field.

The sun shines brightly through the fresh air after dark. I like to walk along the path in the field, and the other side of the stream feels good, There are a lot of trees, there are many green bamboo forests, these trees provide a good shade in summer, birds like to sing in it, bamboo gently sways in the fresh summer breeze, the stream flows quietly and quietly, all green, took a very beautiful picture, this is my hometown, in the remote countryside, but no matter where I am, always with me.







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