角色互换用英语怎么说 角色互换英语翻译

角色互换通常被翻译为"mutual exchange"的意思,还经常被译作reciprocate,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到48个与角色互换相关的翻译和例句。

角色互换用英语怎么说 角色互换英语翻译

角色互换通常被翻译为"mutual exchange"的意思,还经常被译作reciprocate,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到48个与角色互换相关的翻译和例句。

2. role conflicts( 角色互换的差异;角色的冲突;角色上的冲突)

3. This is the source of all morality, this imaginative act of empathy, putting yourself in the place of another.

译文:道德观念皆源于此。这种富有想象力的共鸣, 将可使你与他人进行角色互换。

4. Thanks to your name and history,

5. it'll be great. You can have an exchange.

6. Tell me, Aldo,_BAR_if i were sitting where you're sitting, would you show me mercy?

7. operations donations contributions ...

8. PORTER: Everybody wants our swaps.

9. if Our Roles Were Reversed And This Was Berlin, You'd Find Yourself Doing The same.

译文:如果这里是柏林 而且我们把角色互换一下 你就能明白我的感受了。

10. Hence, SUM is commutative to partition.

11. i know, changing roles was my idea.

12. if the tables were turned i'd watch you die.

13. i'm sure changing roles isn't a bad idea.

14. if it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, now you be honest with me,

15. - Tongue twister, or serism?


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