空间天气用英语怎么说 空间天气英语翻译

空间天气通常被翻译为"  space weather"的意思,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到93个与空间天气相关的释义和例句。

空间天气用英语怎么说 空间天气英语翻译

空间天气通常被翻译为"  space weather"的意思,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到93个与空间天气相关的释义和例句。

1. space weather( 空间天气;空间气象;太空气象)

Astrometeorology space disaster ( 空间天气学 )

Visual Space Weather ( 视界空间天气 )

Space Weather Workshop ( 空间天气研讨会 )

space weather forecast ( 空间天气预报 )

Space Weather Enterprise Forum SWEF ( 空间天气企业论坛 )

Space Exploration ( 空间天气早知道 )

space weather system ( 空间天气系统 )

1. We need to get up there because he's going to be low on air by now.

2. - Claire couldn't have known what he'd do.

4. Tomorrow i have to go back.

5. But boy, it's a nice day today.

6. What's the latest on the weather?

7. This weather's so ty. i know.

8. How's the weather out there? Sunny and sandy?

9. The weather, hunting, the latest gossip.

10. A secondary cover can be placed over the oculus for full enclosure in case of rain or poor weather.


11. That's if we run into too much fog or snow

12. it would be a nice bedragje be.

13. Beautiful day. Beautiful day.

14. Both flares and coronal mass ejections can create space weather if aimed at Earth.


15. - Uh, uh, i said, he likes me.


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