禁止通行用英语怎么说 禁止通行英语翻译

禁止通行用英语翻译为"  no entry",在日常中也可以翻译为"  no through traffic",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到62个与禁止通行相关的释义和例句。

禁止通行用英语怎么说 禁止通行英语翻译

禁止通行用英语翻译为"  no entry",在日常中也可以翻译为"  no through traffic",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到62个与禁止通行相关的释义和例句。

Unauthorized closed to traffic Unauthorized prohibited Prohibit unauthorized access ( 未经许可禁止通行 )

traffic prohibited sign ( 禁止通行标志 )

TEMPORARY LANE CLOSURE Temporary Lane Closed ( 车道暂时禁止通行 )

no passing during the night of curfew nopassingduringthenightofcurfew ( 夜间禁止通行 )

yield and stop signs ( 让路和禁止通行标志 )

1. To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

2. Do you have medical documentation?

3. A train crossing blocking our way, i know my way

4. But do you know it's against the law to cross here after nine o'clock?

8. You have a full green light.

9. Obviously no drugs; no corruption, no skills.

10. Bicycles have become forbidden many places.

11. Looks like we can't get through till morning.

12. Give me your pass, please.

13. And forbid me to smoke, and forbid me to wear a mustache, and forbid me to wear pants.

14. Translations from the Latin Vulgate,

15. There's an execution, turn back or take another road.

译文:出什么事了 这儿不能过去 先生 马上要执行死刑了 整个大街禁止通行 请你调头吧 或者绕行。




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