自动修复用英语怎么说 自动修复英语翻译

自动修复的英语是"automatic restoration -",还网络中常译为"automatic restoration",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与自动修复相关的译文和例句。

自动修复用英语怎么说 自动修复英语翻译

自动修复的英语是"automatic restoration -",还网络中常译为"automatic restoration",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与自动修复相关的译文和例句。

Auto Write Rellocation ( 写入缺陷自动修复 )

Five Parties Auto Repair ( 五个缔约方自动修复 )

auto read rellocation ( 读取缺陷自动修复 )

automatically repaired computer ( 自动修复计算器 )

1. You should really get this fixed, Zach.

2. Willie Smits restores a rainforest

3. Consider automating this function with a utility to compact and repair all of your databases nightly or during the weekend.


4. You could beat that, couldn't you? No, no.

5. Repair Process of a Counts Failure during Calibration of Field Simulation for Ombrometer of Automatic Weather Station


6. The damage will be repaired.

7. iRAD can fix some problems for you automatically.

8. So what kind of person do you meet in a psychiatric hospital?

9. Feed repair status to our monitors.

10. And then gradually gentrifies.

11. There's not a problem in the world that chocolate can't fix.

12. Provided with a burr-t cutter, the bias-adjustable device can remove automatically the burrs on the polished rod.

13. Right now i'm restoring this one painting--

14. it's automatic That's right.

15. it is stated here that for auto-repair, press the yellow on


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