懦艮用英语怎么说 懦艮的英语翻译


懦艮用英语怎么说 懦艮的英语翻译


译文:很显然,每当我们想起 失去身体毛发的哺乳动物时 我们就会想起水生动物,比如懦艮,海象 海豚,河马,海牛。

3. it's obvious that most of the things we think about that have lost their body hair, mammals without body hair, are aquatic ones, like the dugong, the walrus, the dolphin, the hippopotamus, the manatee.

译文:很显然,每当我们想起 失去身体毛发的哺乳动物时 我们就会想起水生动物,比如懦艮,海象 海豚,河马,海牛。

4. Protecting the Gulf's dugongs means that a few will have to carry satellite transmitters but each one weighs just half a kilo and tied around the tail, they do no harm.

译文:要保护海湾的懦艮 就得在部分懦艮身上安装卫星发射器 每个只有一千克重。

5. The hairs on the body are a clue to the fact that dugongs' ancestors used to live on land.

9. Dwayne speared his first dugong from an open boat at the age of 12, but today he's going to have to grab the dugong, a third of a ton of slippery muscle.

译文:德维恩十二岁时第一次从船上刺到懦艮 但现在 他得抓住重达六七百斤 皮肤溜滑的懦艮。

10. - if you're not a super-taster, it does.

11. Dwayne and Philip grew up hunting dugongs for food... ..and now put their skills to a different use.

译文:德维恩和菲利普从小就猎食懦艮 如今在其它领域发挥所长。

12. After just a few minutes, the dugong is released.

13. Dugongs eat almost nothing but sea grass, using their flexible lips to pull up both the stalk and the nutritious roots beneath.

译文:懦艮几乎只吃海草 用它们灵活的嘴唇同时拉起海草的茎 以及营养丰富的根部。

14. [Girl Scoffs ] Don't even waste your time, girl.

15. ..and the team work fast to secure the dugong safely to the side of the boat.





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