噬人鲨用英语怎么说 噬人鲨的英语翻译

噬人鲨通常被翻译为"white shark"的意思,还可以翻译为great white shark,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到45个与噬人鲨相关的译文和例句。

噬人鲨用英语怎么说 噬人鲨的英语翻译

噬人鲨通常被翻译为"white shark"的意思,还可以翻译为great white shark,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到45个与噬人鲨相关的译文和例句。

译文:你知道,这是什么样的态度 在这里,我们正在寻找噬人鲨。

3. Hammerhead, the blue shark, mako, white shark.

4. it's a Carcharodon carcharias. it's a great white.

5. Devouring death goddess, heh, right?

6. When Carcharias called me for the interview i thought it was too good to pass up.

7. i don't recall reading anything about anyone at Carcharias having a family.

8. Let's say, you're asked to speak on behalf of Carcharias before a group of shareholders... from a company that we have a bid on.

译文:比方说,你要求发言的代表 噬人鲨前股东一组... 从一家公司 我们有一个出价。

9. i mean, people would go missing, others would go looking for them... eventually it would come back to Carcharias.

译文:我的意思是,人们会丢失, 其他人会去寻找他们... 它最终会 回来噬人鲨。

10. it's with this Carcharias Corporation.

11. Just being here today, i can see myself with Carcharias.

12. Yeah, with fangs who bite people.

13. You all shish-kebabbed her! One minute you're on top, the next you're sushi.

14. i'm not there to promote myself, or Carcharias.

15. Maybe because i wrote my thesis on Carcharias.


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