臭味相投用英语怎么说 臭味相投英语翻译

臭味相投的英语为"friends attracted to each other by common tastes",还网络中常译为"  Contact like-minded",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到63个与臭味相投相关的短语翻译和用法。

臭味相投用英语怎么说 臭味相投英语翻译

臭味相投的英语为"friends attracted to each other by common tastes",还网络中常译为"  Contact like-minded",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到63个与臭味相投相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. friends attracted to each other by common tastes

臭味相投翻译为friends attracted to each other by common tastes。


I'm not surprised those two are such friends; they're birds of a feather!

2. We stick together 'cause we know...

3. Three: invest in each other.

6. it appears we share the same passions.

7. What on God's earth possessed you to leave the homeland where you obviously belong and travel unspeakable distances to become a penniless immigrant in a refined, highly-cultivated society that, quite frankly, could've gotten along very well without you?

译文:你着了什么魔 离开你臭味相投的故土 远渡重洋 来当个身无分文的移民。

8. He can be pretty flaky sometimes, but we have a lot in common.

9. i smell something familiar.

10. Oh, that smell! i can't handle it.

11. The stink, the filthy, filthy stink!

12. You two have a lot in common.

13. Maybe only gets stiff for the stiff.

14. We're two of a kind, you and i.

15. if anything, they're too alike.


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