得名用英语怎么说 得名的英语翻译

得名在英语中的翻译是"become well-known",还网络中常译为"gain the name",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到97个与得名相关的短语释义和例句。

得名用英语怎么说 得名的英语翻译

得名在英语中的翻译是"become well-known",还网络中常译为"gain the name",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到97个与得名相关的短语释义和例句。

win fame and fortune acquire fame and wealth ( 获得名利 )

Bacardi Bair-conardi Bair conditioning unii ( 百加得名酒 )

Yale University History ( 建校及得名 )

Win places WIN-ended ( 赢得名额 )

Obtains the reputation ( 获得名誉 )

1. Yangma island therefore acquires fame.

2. That's why they call them that.

3. That's why they call them that.

4. Lisa's hotel— i can't remember its name.

5. The Chibi Scenic Area is so named because of the area's red sandstone topography.

6. That's why he's called One Ear.

7. That's why we are also called the "Third Pole."

8. You can charge more if you dress well.

9. The names that they called him were just horrendous.

10. is that where the town gets its name,

11. it was referred to by many names.

12. Named after the Gruyeres district in Switzerland?

13. The crocodile newt gets its name from the ps along its back.

14. They were 57th Division! Bull!

15. He can't remember the name.


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