见招拆招用英语怎么说 见招拆招英语翻译

见招拆招在英语中的翻译是"respond quickly and effectively according to the current situation",还经常被译作  China College and University Admission,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到28个与见招拆招相关的短语翻译和用法。

见招拆招用英语怎么说 见招拆招英语翻译

见招拆招在英语中的翻译是"respond quickly and effectively according to the current situation",还经常被译作  China College and University Admission,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到28个与见招拆招相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. respond quickly and effectively according to the current situation

见招拆招翻译为respond quickly and effectively according to the current situation。

Two people see recruit to dismantle to recruit, no quite noisy.

2.   China College and University Admission

见招拆招翻译为   China College and University Admission。

'You just need to take what's there.

3. There must be someone who teased him, angered him.

4. it's bad manners to open the one...

5. Right? Got it? Don't get nervous and do it like we practiced.

6. So, are you telling me or not?

7. So, approaching the bomb in an EOD suit is a method of last resort.


8. People are living real lives with problems.

9. Blaster One, this is Blaster Mike,

10. - Funnel through where, though, sir?

11. OK, we'll thrash your place.

12. Get ready for disposing the bomb.

13. ...we'll have to react fast and hide them.

14. Yes, it has very good .

15. i really think you should let go of your anger on that line and start breaking down there.


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