天瑞用英语怎么说 天瑞的英语翻译

天瑞通常被翻译为"  Skyray"的意思,还经常被译作  Taller,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到67个与天瑞相关的短语翻译和用法。

天瑞用英语怎么说 天瑞的英语翻译

天瑞通常被翻译为"  Skyray"的意思,还经常被译作  Taller,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到67个与天瑞相关的短语翻译和用法。

Skyray skyray-instrument Skyray Instrument ( 天瑞仪器 )

1. Just another day with Mike Lowrey.

2. About more than just blowing up.

3. Richie, that's six days ago!

4. - God help us. Hey, Barry. Hey, pal.

5. Rafer, my friend, one day we will.

6. But this particular day, Rita was out of town, and Kathe was busy.

7. - But you know what this means to me, Phil.

8. You do not want to be with Rachel.

9. You were so rude toJerry the other night he went home crying.

10. Rarity has to wash her hair...

11. Rarity... woods... jewels... dogs...

12. Mrs. Farias: i hope i didn't cause much trouble to you these days.

13. it's been 10 days since her last e-mail.

14. Kerry was gone for four days. i can only be as optimistic

15. - Someday you'll understand, Rachel.


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