感到用英语怎么说 感到的英语翻译

感到的英语翻译是"feel",还经常被译作  Feel,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到65个与感到相关的译文和例句。

感到用英语怎么说 感到的英语翻译

感到的英语翻译是"feel",还经常被译作  Feel,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到65个与感到相关的译文和例句。

be fed up with feel bored Be Bored ( 感到厌烦 )

surprised amazed astonished astounded ( 感到惊讶的 )

feel tired get tired tire ( 感到疲劳 )

feel happy rejoice on top of the world ( 感到高兴 )

If you too feel afraid ( 你是否也感到担心 )

Satisfaction be pleased with please oneself be satisfied with ( 感到满意 )

chill getfrozen Freddo si fa ( 感到寒冷 )

1. Whatever happened to the idea of shame?

2. i wanna feel the way you do too.

3. i felt shy, i felt embarrassed.

4. And i'm proud of him now. i don't hold grudges more

5. i see the very uncomfortable, satiating feel.

6. How do you feel? Flabby, flabby, huh?

7. i'm trying. i'm proud of you. Don't be.

8. You feel ugly You feel used

9. selling drinks and smiles for fun.

10. He talking to hisself. feel lonely, feel cold, feel grey. . .

11. i felt all the blood rush to my head.

12. First you tell me your cousin's ility... then you get mad at me when i suggest... that just maybe, he's not.

13. Feel it pulsing through your body?

14. i felt lost, i felt... confused.

15. -i'm proud of what i've done.


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