burner是什么意思 burner的中文翻译、读音、例句

burner在英语中代表"煤气头、燃烧器"的意思,还经常被翻译为炉膛,单词读音音标为[美 ˈbɜrnər],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到54个与burner相关的释义和例句。

burner是什么意思 burner的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'burner'的定义可以根据上下文而有所不同,但通常指的是一种燃烧设备或烟囱、用于加热或烹饪食物,或者指代一种燃烧器,通常用于加热或焚烧废物。

2. 烹饪:'burner'作为烹饪术语时,通常指的是炉灶上的火炉或燃烧器,用于加热或烹饪食物,例如煤气炉上的火炉。

- I turned on the burner to make some tea. (我打开了炉子,煮了些茶。)

- The chef turned up the burner to boil the water quickly. (厨师把火炉调高,让水快速沸腾。)

3. 燃烧器:'burner'也可以指代一种燃烧器,用于加热或焚烧废物,例如工业领域中的燃烧炉或烟气净化器。

- The factory installed a new burner to reduce emissions. (工厂安装了新的燃烧器以减少排放。)

- The incinerator uses burners to dispose of hazardous waste. (焚化炉使用燃烧器处理有害废物。)

4. 暗示:'burner'有时也可以作为一种暗示,指代一种用于吸食的器具。

- The police found several burners and drug paraphernalia in the suspect's apartment. (警方在嫌疑人的公寓中发现了几个器具和用具。)

- She realized her son was using a burner to smoke methamphetamine. (她意识到她的儿子正在使用燃烧器吸食。)

5. 缩写词:'burner'也可以作为缩写词出现,通常用于指代一种临时电话号码,用于保护用户的隐私。

- I gave the company my burner number so they wouldn't have my real number. (我给公司我的临时号码,这样他们就不会有我的真实号码。)

- A lot of people use burner phones for shady business dealings. (许多人使用临时电话号码进行不光彩的业务交易。)



- I turned on the burner to make some tea. (我打开了炉子,煮了些茶。)

- The chef turned up the burner to boil the water quickly. (厨师把火炉调高,让水快速沸腾。)

- The factory installed a new burner to reduce emissions. (工厂安装了新的燃烧器以减少排放。)

- The incinerator uses burners to dispose of hazardous waste. (焚化炉使用燃烧器处理有害废物。)

- The police found several burners and drug paraphernalia in the suspect's apartment. (警方在嫌疑人的公寓中发现了几个器具和用具。)

- She realized her son was using a burner to smoke methamphetamine. (她意识到她的儿子正在使用燃烧器吸食。)

- I gave the company my burner number so they wouldn't have my real number. (我给公司我的临时号码,这样他们就不会有我的真实号码。)

- A lot of people use burner phones for shady business dealings. (许多人使用临时电话号码进行不光彩的业务交易。)





1. The burner on the stove is not functioning properly.


2. The gas burner in the kitchen needs to be cleaned regularly.


3. The industrial furnace uses a high-powered burner to generate intense heat.





例句:LFR Law Proposed and its Effect on Design and Operation of PC Burner (LFR定律的提出及其对煤粉燃烧器设计运行的影响)


例句:Unemployment, being the knottiest issue of all, has been relegated for now to the back burner. (失业是最棘手的问题,暂时已搁置起来,以后。)


例句:it ' s just a phase you ' re going through " , replied the bunsen burner" . (“这只是物理中状态变化的一个阶段”本生灯答到。)


例句:A broken burner with only one number on it. (翻译:这个破烧号手机里面就存了一个电话 A broken burner with only one number on it.)


burner一般作为名词使用,如在dual burner(可用两种燃料的燃烧器)、duct burner(外涵加力燃烧室)、downshot burner(射喷燃器)等常见短语中出现较多。

dual burner可用两种燃料的燃烧器
duct burner外涵加力燃烧室
downshot burner射喷燃器
earth burner烧土炉
duplex burner双级式喷(油)嘴,双路(燃油)喷嘴,双路喷燃器
DVD burnern. DVD 刻录机;光碟烧录机\n[网络] 视频刻录;烧录器
Eureka burner自己点燃的本生灯
end burner炉端燃烧器
extra burner临时[附加]燃烧器


1. it ' s just a phase you ' re going through " , replied the bunsen burner" . (翻译:“这只是物理中状态变化的一个阶段”本生灯答到。)

2. A broken burner with only one number on it. (翻译:这个破烧号手机里面就存了一个电话 A broken burner with only one number on it.)

3. Oh, the minutes... the NGO thing is back-burner. (翻译:- 噢 那个会议... - 非组织尚属次要)

4. The results has an important role in further developing the application fields of WDH type bubble atomizing burner. (翻译:此项研究结果对进一步开发WDH型气泡雾化喷嘴的应用领域将发挥重要的作用。)

5. New burner was given to every man every morning. (翻译:New burner was given to every man every morning. 每天早上会给每人一台一次性手机)

6. The Bunsen flame becomes smaller, then burns in the burner tube, and finally goes out rapidly. (翻译:本生焰缩小,然后在灯管中燃烧,最后迅速熄灭。)

7. Industrial Test Research on EI-XCL Double Adjustable Swirling Flow Burner (翻译:EI-XCL型双调风旋流燃烧器性能工业试验研究)

8. He put the frying pan on the gas burner. (翻译:他把煎锅放到煤气灶上。)

9. No, I didn't find sock money. But I've got my credit card burner. (翻译:不

10. To stop operation , take off the threaded cap of the catalytic burner and replace with a cap . (翻译:将如需暂停使用,请将密封盖盖住催化蕊头,待其自然熄灭。)

11. I always felt pushed to the back burner while the military took first place in his life. (翻译:我总觉得他的心思都扑在上 我永远屈居二位)

12. The wind blowing coal device blows coal powder in coal into the burner to be burned in a suspension mode. (翻译:风吹煤装置将煤中的煤粉吹到炉内悬浮燃烧。)

13. We are looking for suppliers of piezo-igniter with wire and burner. (翻译:寻找压电点火器供应商,点火器需带线和燃烧器。)

14. It's a burner. Pre-dialed. She's expecting. (翻译:号码已经在这一次性手机里了 她在等你电话)

15. Application of HXWR Vortically Pulverized Coal Burner on Boiler No. 5, Huxian Thermal Power Plant (翻译:HXWR型旋流煤粉燃烧器在户县热电厂5号炉上的应用)




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