gusto是什么意思 gusto的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


gusto是什么意思 gusto的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 首先,gusto可以作为名词,表示热情、兴致、热爱等等。在这个意义下,它常常和其他词搭配使用,例如do something with gusto。表示充满热情地做某事。


- She tackled the challenge with gusto.

- He approached the project with gusto and enthusiasm.

- The team played with gusto and determination.

2. 另外,gusto还可以作为副词使用,表示热情地、急切地、欣然地等等。这时,它也常常和其他词搭配使用,例如eat with gusto,表示热情地吃。


- She sang the song with gusto.

- He devoured the food with gusto.

- The children played with gusto and joy.

3. 最后,gusto还可以用于一些特定的短语中,例如gusto ko lang sabihin表示我只是想说,或者gusto mo ba?表示你想吗例句:

- Gusto ko lang sabihin na mahal kita。

- Gusto mo ba ang pagkain na ito总之,gusto是一个非常通用、灵活的词汇,有着多种多样的用法和搭配。希望以上的解释对您有所帮助。


1. She tackled the challenge with gusto. (她充满热情地面对挑战。)

2. He approached the project with gusto and enthusiasm. (他充满热情和热爱地对待这项任务。)

3. The team played with gusto and determination. (这个团队充满决心和热情去迎接挑战。)

4. She sang the song with gusto. (她充满热情地唱着这首歌。)

5. He devoured the food with gusto. (他欣然地吃着这道菜。)





1. She ate the cake with such gusto that it was gone in seconds.(她吃蛋糕时非常痴迷,只用了几秒钟就吃完了。)

2. He played the piano with gusto, pouring his heart and soul into every note.(他热情地弹着钢琴,每个音符都充满了他的心灵。)

3. She pursued her hobbies with great gusto, never letting anything get in the way of her passion.(她非常热衷于自己的爱好,从不让任何事情干扰到自己的热情。)




例句:We moved in, and set about replanting the garden with great gusto, buying tools, seeds, fertilizer, etc. (入住以后,我们购买了工具、、肥料等等,以极大的热情重建花园。)


例句:On a visit to an insect farm in Deurne in the south east Netherlands, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze dried locust and crunches down with gusto. (在她参观荷兰东南部德尔讷的一家昆虫农场时,她贪婪地剥下一只冻干的蝗虫的翅膀和腿,然后兴奋地吞下了肚。)


例句:And I knew that when my book on slowness came out, it would be welcomed by the New Age brigade, but it's also been taken up, with great gusto, by the corporate world -- you know, business press, but also big companies and leadership organizations. (我料想到,当这本关于慢活的书面市, 它会受到新生代的欢迎, 然而,它也同样被商界 津津乐道。不止那种 商业出版社,另外还有 大公司和组织的领导阶层的接纳。)


例句:By eating everything that he brings you with relish... by drinking everything with gusto... by having a good time for the first time in your natural life. (翻译:吃光他给你的食物 喝光他端来的汤 并且要表现的很高兴)


gusto一般作为名词使用,如在with gusto(上劲)等常见短语中出现较多。

with gusto上劲


1. And I knew that when my book on slowness came out, it would be welcomed by the New Age brigade, but it's also been taken up, with great gusto, by the corporate world -- you know, business press, but also big companies and leadership organizations. (翻译:我料想到,当这本关于慢活的书面市, 它会受到新生代的欢迎, 然而,它也同样被商界 津津乐道。不止那种 商业出版社,另外还有 大公司和组织的领导阶层的接纳。)

2. By eating everything that he brings you with relish... by drinking everything with gusto... by having a good time for the first time in your natural life. (翻译:吃光他给你的食物 喝光他端来的汤 并且要表现的很高兴)

3. At a time when this cold current reestablishes itself with gusto (翻译:那个时候寒冷的洪堡洋流又重整旗鼓 声势浩大)

4. And I knew that when my book on slowness came out, it would be welcomed by the New Age brigade, but it's also been taken up, with great gusto, by the corporate world -- you know, business press, but also big companies and leadership organizations. (翻译:我料想到,当这本关于慢活的书面市, 它会受到新生代的欢迎, 然而,它也同样被商界 津津乐道。不止那种 商业出版社,另外还有 大公司和组织的领导阶层的接纳。)

5. He had just gained an entrance into English literature, and would recite Hamlet's soliloquy with great gusto. (翻译:他对英国文学刚入门道,用巨大的热忱背诵着哈姆雷特的独白。)

6. Newton's body isn't even cold, and quick has seized his position with gusto. (翻译:-怎么不可能 牛顿尸骨未寒 奎克就急冲冲的夺了权)

7. The leading Democratic candidates all talked about God with a gusto that had once been reserved for the Republicans. (翻译:以前只有共和党人才会乐此不疲地谈论问题,而现在所有重要的党候选人在这方面也都饶有兴趣。)

8. The police have reacted with characteristic gusto to Mr Gayoom's call for a "no-nonsense" approach to extremism. (翻译:加尧姆先生要求用一种“严肃”的方法对待极端主义,警方已经按照他们一贯的风格作出响应。)

9. He never had an ache or pain, ate his food with gusto, and ruled his brothers with a rod of iron. (翻译:他一向无病无痛,吃东西总是津津有味的,用强硬手段来管他的兄弟们。)

10. On a visit to an insect farm, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze-dried locust and crunches down with gusto. (翻译:在她参观一家昆虫农场时,她贪婪地剥下一只冻干的蝗虫的翅膀和腿,然后兴奋地吞下了肚。)

11. But among the employees of ITP, the magazine's publisher, the free drinks were going down with more than the usual gusto. (翻译:但该杂志出版商ITP的雇员在喝着免费饮料的同时,心中还有一种别样的感受。)

12. Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto. (翻译:她的角色是个次要人物,但她仍带着热情去表演。)

13. One sign said, 'Gusto Namin Hustisya,' or 'We want justice' in Tagalog, the Philippine language. (翻译:还有一个标语用菲律宾语写道:我们要求正义。)

14. Its emergence implies a new turning point of painting gusto , and also symbolizes the painting creations entering into a new era. (翻译:它的出现暗示了绘画趣味的新转向,也标志着油画创作进入了一个新时代。)

15. When I see your work, I can tell whether you painted it with gusto or not, and if you were standing or sitting. (翻译:当我看到你的作品时 我就知道你画那幅画是否出自你的兴趣)






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