trance是什么意思 trance的中文翻译、读音、例句


trance是什么意思 trance的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义: trance是一个名词,指心理状态中的一种极度放松和专注的状态。 这种状态通常是通过禅修、冥想、艺术表现、音乐欣赏等方法实现的。 此外,Trance还可以动词,表示进入这种状态。

2. 艺术类别: Trance还可以是音乐类型的名称,它是一种电子舞曲音乐类型,通常以强烈的节奏和节拍为特征。 这种音乐类型通常在俱乐部或音乐节上播放,以带给听众高强度的体验。

3. 医学用途: Trance还可以用于医学上,是一种治疗技术,它通过在患者意识中的不同深度水平中治疗各种疾病和症状。

4. 社交网络用语: 在社交网络中,“Trance”还可以被缩写为“TR”或“T”,用于描述某个人或某个事情令人兴奋或令人感觉像处于Trance的状态。


1. It's so easy to get lost in a trance when you meditate. (当你冥想时,很容易沉迷其中。)

2. Her music tends to induce a trance-like state, with dreamy melodies and hypnotic beats. (她的音乐往往会诱导出陶醉的状态,带有梦幻般的旋律和催眠节拍。)

3. Trance music is very popular among young people who enjoy dancing all night. (追求整晚狂欢跳舞的年轻人非常喜欢Trance音乐。)

4. The the helped her enter a deep trance to help her overcome her fears. (治疗师帮助她进入深度催眠状态,帮助她克服恐惧。)

5. I can't believe how good this coffee is. It's sending me into a caffeine trance. (我简直不敢相信这咖啡有多好,它让我陷入了狂热状态。)




1. He fell into a deep trance during the hypnosis session.(他在催眠会话期间陷入了深度恍惚状态。)

2. The music put me in a trance and I found myself swaying to the rhythm.(音乐让我进入了出神状态,我发现自己随着节奏摇摆。)

3. The cult leader was able to lead his followers into a trance-like state of devotion.(领袖能够让他的信徒进入一种像狂热状态一样的奉献状态。)

4. She stared into space, lost in a trance of thought.(她凝视着空间,陷入了一种深思熟虑的恍惚状态。)




例句:In the trance we can find anything, including your nephew, prince Dastan. (癵ほいиち 珹嘶笷吹㈱)


例句:Loretta, you're in a trance, you glide in and get on the operating table. (罗莉塔 你精神恍惚 你慢慢地走着 上了手术台)


例句:When I play Dracula, I put myself into a trance. (我在演德古拉这个吸血鬼的时候 我只要装发呆就可以了)


例句:When I found out what Robbins was doing, I convinced him to take the trance away. (翻译:当我发现Robbins所做的, 我说服他解除你的催眠。)


trance一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in a trance(昏睡状态, 恍惚地, 出神, 发呆)、hypnotic trance([医] 催眠性迷睡)、hysterical trance([医] 癔病性迷睡, 歇斯底里性恍惚)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a trance昏睡状态, 恍惚地, 出神, 发呆
hypnotic trance[医] 催眠性迷睡
hysterical trance[医] 癔病性迷睡, 歇斯底里性恍惚
induced trance[医] 诱发性迷睡
psychedelic trance[网络] 印度;迷幻恍惚;迷幻舞曲
somnambulistic trance[医] 梦行性恍惚
trance coma[医] 催眠性昏睡
trance dance[网络] 舞蹈;入神舞蹈;迷幻舞蹈
trance dancer[网络] 恍惚舞者


1. When I play Dracula, I put myself into a trance. (翻译:我在演德古拉这个吸血鬼的时候 我只要装发呆就可以了)

2. When I found out what Robbins was doing, I convinced him to take the trance away. (翻译:当我发现Robbins所做的, 我说服他解除你的催眠。)

3. How could I use my camera, my little tool, to get closer and maybe not only capture the trance but find an equivalent, a cine-trance, maybe, something in complete harmony with the people? (翻译:我如何能使用我的相机 我的小工具,去接近 又或者捕捉这个足迹 但是找到一个平衡,一个电影的影子, 在与人的完全的和谐中 )

4. This separation is the most difficult trance that Nanu has happened. (翻译:与妈妈的分离是 纳努有生以来最难受的事情)

5. He was put into a trance by a police hypnotist. (翻译:他被警方的一位催眠师导入了催眠状态。)

6. Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake. He enfolded his Della. (翻译:吉姆好像从恍惚之中醒来,把德拉紧紧地搂在怀里。)

7. This peaceful Relaxation-Trance Music flows with a gentle shamanic spirit inviting us into the heart of being. (翻译:这一和平松弛恍惚流向与音乐精神邀请我们到萨满温柔的心。)

8. Kusama has breeze, cool, and also a small trance sound, landed in mind is that traces of life. (翻译:有风吹过草间,凉凉的,还恍惚有细小的声音,落在心上,是一辈子的痕迹。)

9. You are in a deep trance, and you will obey each and every command the Jade Scorpion gives you. (翻译:你在深度迷睡当中, 你将服从玉蝎子向你发出的每一条指令。)

10. Our father was murdered by one of us in a state of trance. (翻译:我们的父亲... 是被我们之一在恍惚中的)

11. And even in the trance I was in, I knew that somebody somewhere was throwing me a little rope. (翻译:虽然我还深陷困境,可我明白 有人已经向我伸出了援助的手)

12. They're more akin to autohypnosis a kind of self-induced trance. (翻译:㎝и妒痸 贺и护旧鲍篈)

13. He put you into a trance- rather easily, despite your resistance. (翻译:他使你进入迷睡状态―― 轻而易举地,不管你怎么抗拒。)

14. - The nurses have recorded numerous moments when he seems to fall into a trance. (翻译:anxiety. 护士们无数次 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}The nurses have recorded)

15. And the fundamental answer is that the pro-aging trance is not as dumb as it looks. (翻译:最根本的答案是,[潜意识的认同老化是必然的] 亲老化恍惚并不像它看起来的那么笨。)






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