headway是什么意思 headway的中文翻译、读音、例句


headway是什么意思 headway的中文翻译、读音、例句



常用场景:英文中常常用于形容个人或团体的进展或进步的程度,如:“The company is significant headway in its sales efforts.”(这家公司在销售方面正在取得显著进展。)此外,Headway在交通语境中也经常使用,例如:“Drivers are advised to leave plenty of headway between their vehicle and the car in front of them.”(司机们被建议在自己的车辆和前方车辆之间留有足够的安全距离。)


1. make headway: 取得进展

2. gain headway:取得进步

3. give headway:给予安全距离

4. have no headway:没有进展

5. lack headway:缺乏进步

相关短语:有关于Headway的常见短语包括“make headway against”(对抗某事物取得进展)和“lose headway”(失去进展)。


headway的意思是进展,前进、前进速度、行驶距离。读音为 ['hɛdweɪ]。


1. The project is headway and we expect to finish it on time.这个项目已经有了进展,我们预计能按时完成。

2. The ship is good headway despite the storm. 尽管遭遇风暴,这艘船仍然前进得非常顺利。

3. We need to make more headway in our negotiations before we can reach a final agreement.在我们能够达成最终协议之前,我们需要在谈判中取得更多的进展。




例句:Well, Walt, we've made such headway with your treatments that now it's time we talked about sealing the deal. (Walt 对你的进行治疗颇有成效 现在该谈谈下一步了)


例句:To make any headway with this, we must first of all avoid anthropomorphizing. (要在这个领域取得进步, 我们必须避免将机器智慧人格化。)


例句:In Kurdistan the reformists of Goran, which did well in regional elections a year ago, failed to make headway. (库尔德改革派政党戈兰在去年的地方选举中取得的不错的成绩,但这次也未能更进一步。)


例句:Now, many brilliant economists have spent their entire lives working on this question, and as a field we've made a tremendous amount of headway and we understand a lot about this. (翻译:已经有很多经济学大师花毕生精力研究了这个问题, 取得了很大的进展,我们对这个问题 也有了很深的认识。)


headway一般作为名词使用,如在fetch headway(开始快速前进)、gain headway(na. 前进)、going headway(煤房运煤支巷)等常见短语中出现较多。

fetch headway开始快速前进
gain headwayna. 前进
going headway煤房运煤支巷
limited headway有限净空高
made headway取得进展;有进展
make headway取得进展
make no headway毫无进展
minimum headway最小时间车距
signal headway信号机间隔


1. In Kurdistan the reformists of Goran, which did well in regional elections a year ago, failed to make headway. (翻译:库尔德改革派政党戈兰在去年的地方选举中取得的不错的成绩,但这次也未能更进一步。)

2. Now, many brilliant economists have spent their entire lives working on this question, and as a field we've made a tremendous amount of headway and we understand a lot about this. (翻译:已经有很多经济学大师花毕生精力研究了这个问题, 取得了很大的进展,我们对这个问题 也有了很深的认识。)

3. So, while we struggle to make headway, a dolphin is barely trying. (翻译:就像有人拿锤子打你 梆梆梆 你被雪埋住 完全不知道怎么回事)

4. Our troops did attack, sir, but they could make no headway. (翻译:我的的确进攻了,长官 但是他们攻不上去)

5. To describe the motor-vehicle arrival pattern better, a revised Weibull model(RWM) was developed based on the Weibull distribution function to explain the headway distribution of motor-vehicle. (翻译:为了更好地描述机动车到达规律,基于韦布尔分布函数建立了描述机动车车头时距分布的韦布尔修正模型。)

6. Yeah. I would wager that the influx in cash came in after Norris BioTech made headway on the ricin vaccine. (翻译:我会赌现金是在Norris生物科技 蓖麻毒素疫苗有进展后汇入的)

7. The CME has already made modest headway in interest-rate swaps. (翻译:The CME在利率交换方面已经取得一些进展了。)

8. China has boomed economically, but hasn't made much headway on human rights or environmental issues. (翻译:中国的经济发展欣欣向荣, 但在和环境问题上还没取得 很大的进步。)

9. Conservative Christian groups that espouse anti beliefs have made great headway in this country and wield considerable influence. (翻译:保守的教团体秉承着反同性恋的信念,他们推动了该国的反同性恋行动同时造成了巨大的影响。)

10. You make headway on the Rulfo girl? (翻译:那个叫Rulfo的姑娘查的怎么样? You make headway on the Rulfo girl?)

11. He does not expect Force India to be able to make much development headway during the Friday practice prior to the races. (翻译:他不希望能够印度取得很大的发展进展在周五的练习赛之前。)

12. During the early years of his presidency, Reagan privately sought to open dialogue with the leaders of the U. S. S. R. but made no headway. (翻译:在其总统任期的初期,里根私底下曾试图开启与苏联的对话,但没有任何进展。)

13. They made some headway with the supervisor, but the other guy, the inspector, he's a piece of work. (翻译:它们似乎有点管用 但是另外一个检查员有点难缠)

14. Now, has anyone made any headway with any of these foreign people? (翻译:你们有没有什么办法来对付... 这些外国佬吗?)

15. He had some difficulty in landing on this island, and he made little headway. (翻译:向岛上登陆时恺撒遇到了一些麻烦,headway进展非常小。)






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