delude是什么意思 delude的中文翻译、读音、例句


delude是什么意思 delude的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义: 'delude'是一个动词,意思是欺骗或迷惑某人,使其相信不正确的事情或做出错误的决定。

2. 同义词: deceive, mislead, trick, fool, beguile, dupe.

3. 反义词: enlighten, inform, clarify, reveal, uncover.

4. 词源: 'delude'源于拉丁语“deludere”,意思是“哄骗、欺骗”。

5. 用法:'delude'可用于正式或非正式场合,通常用于描述一个人欺骗另一个人的行为。


1. The con artist managed to delude the elderly woman into giving him her life savings.(这名成功地欺骗了这位老年妇女,骗走了她的全部存款。)

2. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you can quit smoking without any help.(别自欺欺人,认为你可以在没有任何帮助的情况下戒烟。)

3. The dictator deluded the people into thinking that he was their savior.(这个者使人们相信他是他们的救星。)

4. The magician's performance was so convincing that it deluded even the most skeptical audience members.(魔术师的表演如此令人信服,以至于连最怀疑的观众都被骗了。)

5. The student deluded himself into thinking that he could pass the exam without studying.(这个学生自欺欺人认为他可以不用学习就通过考试。)



1. He was deluded into thinking that he had won the lottery, but it turned out to be a scam.


2. Don't be deluded by his charming facade; he's actually a very selfish person.


3. The cult leader deluded his followers into believing that he was a prophet and convinced them to give him all their money.


delude通常被翻译为"妄想 、逃避"的意思,作为动词时有"哄骗"的意思,发音是[di'lu:d],delude来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到45个与delude相关的句子。



例句:"Welcome to politics, " said Dooku. "Don't delude yourself that it has to have party labels. " (“欢迎加入游戏,”杜库说,“不要以为参与就必须有党派的标签。”)


例句:Chemist, sir. I tin no delude it , chaussure puma, you must premier get a doctor's certificate or prescript. (药剂师,先生。我不能买给你。你必须有医生的证明或者医生开的药方才行。)


例句:First you delude yourselves with false victory, then you have the audacity to send me a bill? (你们先是被虚假的胜利迷惑了 然后你们又厚颜地给我账单?)


例句:We delude ourselves that we are in control. (翻译:我们欺骗自己一切都在我们的控制之下。)


1. First you delude yourselves with false victory, then you have the audacity to send me a bill? (翻译:你们先是被虚假的胜利迷惑了 然后你们又厚颜地给我账单?)

2. We delude ourselves that we are in control. (翻译:我们欺骗自己一切都在我们的控制之下。)

3. Not the Kui is coquette's queen, this is long of really is fatally guide-delude. (翻译:不愧是狐狸精女王啊,这长的的确是致命的诱-惑。)

4. Do not delude yourselves in believing that her movements will be unrelated to that which you have contributed. (翻译:不要欺骗你们自己,去相信她的运动将与你们所贡献的毫无关联。)

5. I'm always surprised by the degree to which women can delude themselves when it comes to love! (翻译:虽然恋爱中的女人总是很愚蠢,但你愚蠢的程度还是令我吃惊。)

6. Each one was a girl of fair common sense, and she did not delude herself with any vain conceits, or deny her love. (翻译:每一个都是明白事理的姑娘,她没有想到为了超过别人,就用虚荣的幻想去自欺欺人,或是去否认她的爱情。)

7. It was clear after the incident that, while she may have answered truthfully in the strictest sense of the word, Sheryl was actually trying to delude Sergei. (翻译:事件发生后,虽然从严格意义上讲,谢莉尔可能是如实回答,但实际上她是想欺骗塞奇。)

8. Don't delude yourself. You left me behind a long time ago. (翻译:不要搞错了 你抛弃我已经是很久以前的事了)

9. When they come for me, I'll do everything I can to hide what you knew and when you knew it, but don't delude yourself. (翻译:他们找上我时,我会尽我所能 隐藏你知情 不过请勿自欺)

10. You'll be elected commissioner here in this hall, and perhaps you'll delude yourself that everything goes on as before. (翻译:你将在这儿被选为委员 或许你还会自欺欧气说一切如旧)

11. Don't delude yourself. You're a mercenary... not a humanitarian. (翻译:不要把自己的身份混淆了 你是一个雇佣军 不是一个人道主义者)

12. "If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said. (翻译:他说,“如果西欧的和军事不把情况讲明,则将使产生一种虚假的安全感。”)




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