boulder是什么意思 boulder的中文翻译、读音、例句


boulder是什么意思 boulder的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:n. 悬崖,大石头,巨石;adj. 大块的,笨重的

2. 词性:名词、形容词

3. 常用场景:在户外运动、旅游等场合常用,如攀登悬崖、探险、看风景等。也可用于形容物品的大小、重量等。

4. 词组搭配:

- boulder climbing攀爬巨石

- boulder field 巨石地带

- boulder holder 石柱

- boulder opal 彩玉

- boulder clay 巨石黏土

5. 相关短语:

- as heavy as a boulder 比石头还重

- like a boulder 重得像块石头

- boulder beach 石滩

6. 发音拼写:[ˈboʊldər]




1. We had to climb up and over huge boulders to reach the summit.


2. The river was blocked by a huge boulder, causing the water to back up and flood the surrounding area.


3. The garden was decorated with several natural boulders that added to the rustic charm of the landscape.





例句:Clark's reconnoiter of the river was halted by a boulder field, and he was forced to turn back. (克拉克对河的勘察因为一个巨石地而停止了,他折返。)


例句:Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado, Boulder, leads one study of the Greenland ice sheet. (位于博尔德的科罗拉多州大学的Konrad Steffen先生负责一项格陵兰冰原项目研究。)


例句:I feel like I left my head under the boulder that crushed it. (我觉得我的头好像是被放在大石底下然后被压的粉碎了)

4.大圆石 、大圆石

例句:On the trail to Goodnow Mountain, a yellow birch appears to be ingesting a boulder left behind by a glacier. (翻译:通往古德诺山的一条小径上,一株黄桦缠绕在一块冰川流动之后显现出来的鹅石上。)


boulder一般作为名词使用,如在drift boulder(漂砾)、erratic boulder(漂块, 漂砾, 漂石; 巨漂砾)、exfoliation boulder(鳞剥巨砾)等常见短语中出现较多。

drift boulder漂砾
erratic boulder漂块, 漂砾, 漂石; 巨漂砾
exfoliation boulder鳞剥巨砾
exotic boulder外来巨砾
faceted boulder磨面巨砾
facetted boulder多棱面巨砾
glacial boulder冰川漂砾
ice boulder= glacial boulder
indicator boulder指示巨砾


1. I feel like I left my head under the boulder that crushed it. (翻译:我觉得我的头好像是被放在大石底下然后被压的粉碎了)

2. On the trail to Goodnow Mountain, a yellow birch appears to be ingesting a boulder left behind by a glacier. (翻译:通往古德诺山的一条小径上,一株黄桦缠绕在一块冰川流动之后显现出来的鹅石上。)

3. We had a bleaching event in 2010 in the Caribbean that took off big patches of skin on boulder corals like these. (翻译:加勒比海在2010年 也经历了白化事件, 当时就像这样的 珊瑚礁表面被剥离了。)

4. Runs from stones means that-that big boulder, but I couldn't rhyme anything with boulder. (翻译:离开了圣石说的是... 那个大石块 Runs from stones means that... that big boulder,)

5. My watch is linked to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. (翻译:我的手表和科罗拉多州 博尔德市的原子钟连在一起)

6. In Boulder, Colorado, Howard Morton tells a different story. (翻译:在科罗拉多州的波尔得市,Howard Morton讲述了一个不同的故事。)

7. We use the boulder and we turn it into an extreme sports bonanza. (翻译:我们利用大石并把它们变为一项搬运的极限运动。)

8. This last fall, I went to the Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and talked to the researchers here in Monterey at the Naval Postgraduate Laboratory. (翻译:上个秋季,我去了“雪冰数据中心”, 它设在卡拉尔多的Boulder市;我并和在本地Monterey市的 海军研究实验室的研究人员做了交谈。)

9. Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to enforce a ban on smoking. (翻译:博尔德是该国率先施行禁烟令的城市之一。)

10. On approaching the boulder , the peasant laid down his burden adn tried to move the stone to the side of the road . (翻译:走近巨石后,农民放下担子,试着把石头移到路边。)

11. This morning, on the boulder, we have a very special guest: (翻译:今天早上来到我们博尔德秀的 是一位非常特别的来宾)

12. I don't know... Okay fellas. (翻译:我不知道... 《再见Boulder城》,Mia Dolan的戏剧 好了,伙计们,明天见)

13. Is that boulder just in your mind or is it separate? (翻译:那块大石头时在你的脑子你呢 还是和你的脑子是分开的?)

14. This is a climb called the Naked Edge, in El Dorado Canyon, outside of Boulder. (翻译:这是一个叫做边缘的攀岩, 在埃尔多拉多峡谷,博尔德之外。)

15. No, we haven't started boulder dash. (翻译:没有,我们还没有开始 博尔德短跑她身边。)




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