strategists是什么意思 strategists的中文翻译、读音、例句


strategists是什么意思 strategists的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和释义:Strategists是指策略家或者战略家,是从事制定战略的人。

2. 范围和应用:Strategists可以应用在军事、、商业、管理等不同领域,通常需要有深入的行业知识和思维能力。

3. 技能和特质:Strategists需要具备较强的逻辑、分析、判断、能力,善于整合资源和信息,能够快速做出决策。

4. 竞争和优势:Strategists需要与竞争者进行战略竞争,通过制定更符合市场要求的战略来取得优势。

5. 发展和未来:随着信息技术和全球化的发展,Strategists将会越来越重要,未来他们需要在不断变化的环境中保持敏锐和活力。


1. Many successful companies have a team of strategists who are responsible for creating long-term business plans. 许多成功的公司都有一支专门负责制定长期商业计划的策略小组。

2. The military strategists made a bold move and launched a surprise attack on the enemy's stronghold. 军事战略家冒险采取行动并对敌人的据点进行了突袭。

3. The politician consulted with his team of strategists before any decisions on the upcoming election. 这位家在作出任何关于即将到来的选举的决策前与他的策略小组进行了咨询。

4. The business strategist recommended a new marketing approach to the company which helped to increase sales. 商业策略师向公司建议了一种新的市场营销策略,帮助增加了销售量。

5. Management strategists suggest that companies must be flexible and adaptable to change in order to succeed in the current market. 管理策略师建议公司必须具有灵活适应变化的能力才能在当前市场中成功。





1. The company hired a team of strategists to develop a long-term plan for success. (公司聘请了一支策略团队来制定长期成功计划。)

2. Military strategists spend years studying tactics and developing plans for battle. (军事战略家花费多年时间研究战术,制定作战计划。)




例句:You have to alert the Kremlin that one of their strategists has a nuclear launch device and one of his operatives has the codes to activate it. (你必须警告俄国 他们其中一个战略家 ...有发射装置)


例句:French strategists argued that their troops would need to confront the Germans on Belgian, if not German, soil. (法国的战略家争辩称 他们的将需要,如果不是在德国, 就是在比利时的土地上面对德国人)


例句:Dowd is considered one of the chief strategists behind the president's 2004 re-election victory over Democrat John Kerry. (D被认为是2004年协助布什总胜党人约翰克里而赢得连任的幕后班底中的首席战略家。)


例句:And, some strategists said the VIX could go lower. (翻译:一些策略师认为,VIX指数有可能进一步走低。)


strategists一般作为名词使用,如在market strategists([网络] 市场战略分师)等常见短语中出现较多。

market strategists[网络] 市场战略分师


1. Dowd is considered one of the chief strategists behind the president's 2004 re-election victory over Democrat John Kerry. (翻译:D被认为是2004年协助布什总胜党人约翰克里而赢得连任的幕后班底中的首席战略家。)

2. And, some strategists said the VIX could go lower. (翻译:一些策略师认为,VIX指数有可能进一步走低。)

3. Military strategists had devised a plan that guaranteed a series of stunning victories. (翻译:军事战略家们设计了一个保证了一系列惊人胜利的计划。)

4. The core competence theory is borrowed from American's corporate management strategists, C. K. Parahalad and Gary Hamel. (翻译:理论基础是美国企业战略管理专家普拉哈拉德和哈默尔提出的核心竞争力理论。)

5. Its strategists are paranoid about the sort of access China might win to Burmese seaports. (翻译:印度的战略家担心中国可能会获得进入缅甸海港的权力。)

6. Oh, God, the day politicians discovered Twitter... I hear you're the flavor of the month in strategists. (翻译:天 当政客们发现了Twitter... 我听说你是当红的战略家)

7. For the moment , the bail-out tacticians are in overdrive . But the strategists' moment is approaching . (翻译:现在,江郎才尽的战术家们是主流,但是战略家的时代就快到了。)

8. Bayard was an out man, and he's considered one of the most brilliant strategists of the civil rights movement. (翻译:Bayard是一名了的同性恋, 也被认为是民权运动中, 最杰出的决策者之一。)

9. Papers are reporting that one of the top military strategists of the T.I.J.'s been killed in the strike at the madrasa. (翻译:论文报告 在TIJ的被杀害的最高军事战略家之一 在学校的中)

10. Yet not all strategists are bullish. (翻译:不过并不是所有策略师都感到乐观。)

11. What I need to say to the planners of the world, the governments, the strategists is, "You have treated the arts as the cherry on the cake. (翻译:我要向那些世界的规划者决策者说, 那些,策略专家们, 我要向他们说,“你们一直把艺术当作蛋糕上的浆果。)

12. Kuai Tong was one of the political strategists in the Warring States Period. He lived in seclusion during the reign of the Qin Dynasty. (翻译:蒯通是战国纵横家的一员,秦朝统治时期处于蛰居状态。)

13. His own party's strategists were traumatised by Mr Harper's attacks on Mr Dion's proposal for a carbon tax. (翻译:迪昂是他领导的政党中的一位战略家,但因为一个有关烟尘排放税的提案而被哈珀攻击,导致深受创伤。)

14. Even if they do not understand the neuroscience behind source amnesia, campaign strategists can exploit it to spread misinformation. (翻译:即使他们不明白背后的神经源失忆症,竞选阵营的战略家们却可以利用它来传播错误信息。)

15. What I need to say to the planners of the world, the governments, the strategists is, "You have treated the arts as the cherry on the cake. (翻译:我要向那些世界的规划者决策者说, 那些,策略专家们, 我要向他们说,“你们一直把艺术当作蛋糕上的浆果。)






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