laurels是什么意思 laurels的中文翻译、读音、例句


laurels是什么意思 laurels的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 植物意义:

a. 指月桂树。月桂树是一种常见的植物,它的叶子在古代代表荣誉和胜利,现在仍然被用来制作奖杯和勋章等。


- The wreath was made of laurels.


- The ancient Greeks wore crowns made of laurel leaves.


2. 荣誉和成就:

a. 指得到荣誉和成就。这是laurels的俚语用法,通常用于描述某个人、团队或组织获得对应的荣誉和成就,也可以指代荣誉和成就本身。


- She won her laurels by writing a best-selling novel.


- The football team took home the laurels after winning the championship.


3. 地名和机构名称:

a. Laurel区域:Laurel是美国马里兰州的一个城市和郡,位于华盛顿特区向东30公里的地方。

b. Laurel大学:Laurel大学是美国密西西比州哈蒂斯堡市的一所公立大学,成立于1912年,提供本科和研究生课程。


- They're staying in Laurel for the weekend.


- He graduated from Laurel University with a degree in business.


4. 缩写词:

a. LAUREL:Laurel太空飞行中心(Laurel Space Flight Center)是美国宇航局的一个研究和开发中心,位于美国马里兰州的Laurel市。


- The LAUREL center is responsible for developing new space technologies.


- The LAUREL project is expected to launch next year.






1. After years of hard work, he finally earned his laurels as a successful businessman. (经过多年努力,他终于成为一名成功的商人。)

2. The athlete had to defend his laurels in the upcoming competition. (这位运动员必须在即将到来的比赛中捍卫他的荣誉。)

3. Winning the championship was the ultimate laurel for the team. (获得冠军是这支队伍的最终荣誉。)

4. She was content to rest on her laurels and not push herself to try new things. (她很满足于享受现有的荣誉,不想努力尝试新事物。)




例句:I Shared her laurels. (我分享了她的桂冠。)


例句:And the respect of your team is more important than all the laurels in the world. (而你团队对你的尊敬 要比这个世界上所有其他的桂冠 都要重要。)


例句:But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equality in sports. (但是她却不仅仅满足于她在比赛中所获得的荣誉,而是孜孜不倦地为推进运动场上的女性权益以及性别公平进程努力。)


laurels一般作为名词使用,如在equador laurels([网络] 厄瓜多尔桂冠\n(equador laurel 的复数))、gain laurels(摘取桂冠,获得冠军;赢得声望)、mountain laurels(na. 【植】山月桂;加州桂\n[网络] 山桂)等常见短语中出现较多。

equador laurels[网络] 厄瓜多尔桂冠\n(equador laurel 的复数)
gain laurels摘取桂冠,获得冠军;赢得声望
mountain laurelsna. 【植】山月桂;加州桂\n[网络] 山桂
pig laurels[网络] 猪桂冠\n(pig laurel 的复数)
reap laurels摘取桂冠,获得冠军;赢得声望
sassafras laurels[网络] 薰衣草月桂树\n(sassafras laurel 的复数)
sheep laurelssheep laurel\n= sheepkill
spurge laurelsspurge laurel\n【植物】桂叶芫花(Daphne laureola)
stan laurelsn. 史坦·劳莱


1. But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equality in sports. (翻译:但是她却不仅仅满足于她在比赛中所获得的荣誉,而是孜孜不倦地为推进运动场上的女性权益以及性别公平进程努力。)

2. You don't rest on your laurels. What are you doing? (翻译:你也不能躺在你的荣誉上睡觉, 你在干嘛?)

3. Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels. (翻译:不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。)

4. She was once an excellent student, but now she sits on her laurels and has no desire to improve herself. (翻译:她曾经是个优秀的学生,但现在她却坐享其成而完全不求上进。)

5. The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels. (翻译:足智多谋的法学家已经想出了一个恢复名誉的计策。)

6. Mr Cooper isn't resting on his laurels. (翻译:库帕先生并没有固步自封,不思进取。)

7. It might be better for his reputation if he stopped writing and rested on his laurels. (翻译:也许停止写作,安于现状会对他的声誉更好一点。)

8. Asked why, she said, wanted to stay in Beijing after graduation, basic necessities of life is to spend money, cannot rest on their laurels. (翻译:问原因,她说,毕业之后想留在北京,衣食住行都要花钱,总不能坐吃山空。)

9. And we've set up charities that will help us fund the clinical research to determine the best treatment practice now and better treatment into the future, so we don't just sit on our laurels and say, "Okay, we're doing okay. (翻译:我们已经建立慈善组织 给予我们 临床试验资金方面的帮助 用来测定目前最好的理疗实践 和将来更好的治疗方法, 所以我们不能安于现状说,“我们做的还不错。)

10. And when through your warlike deeds, you're covered with laurels, remember the hand that pinned these colors on you. (翻译:在结束战争后, 你会被授予荣誉 记住我曾经拉住你的手)

11. But he could no more have rested on his laurels than he could have become a clergyman or a Cistercian monk. (翻译:他既不会为自已的成就沾沾自喜,也不会成为牧师或西多会的修士。)

12. We don't rest on our laurels or celebrate lives we've saved in the past. (翻译:你应该比别人更理解我 你写了本关于放弃逃避和躲避的书 你写了很多书 Meredith)

13. We dreamed then of competing in a chariot race before a great crowd... with laurels to the victor and death to the loser. (翻译:我们当时就梦想着在许多观众前 进行战车竞赛 胜者带橄榄枝 败者以死明志)

14. Rogozin accuses the Georgian leader of trying to grab the laurels of fame by provoking great nations into war just as Gavrilo Princip did. (翻译:罗戈津指控这位格鲁吉亚就像普林西普一样,试图激起世界大国发动战争,让自己声名大振。)

15. The dark figure of a man stepped from the laurels and pointed a rifle at his breast . (翻译:一个黑色的人影从月桂树丛里走出来,举起一支对着他的口。)






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