n2o是什么意思 n2o的中文翻译、读音、例句


n2o是什么意思 n2o的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:N2O是一种化学物质,也称为笑气或气体笑剂。它是一种无色、无味、易燃且有毒的气体,常用于医疗和食品加工等领域。


- Nitrous oxide is commonly used as an anesthetic in dentistry.

- The whipped cream on this dessert was made by using nitrous oxide canisters.

- The use of nitrous oxide in cars to boost engine performance is illegal in some states.

2. 化学特性:N2O是由氮气和氧气组成的化合物,分子式为N2O。它的制备方法有多种,包括通过铜的还原法和催化法等。


- The production of nitrous oxide from fossil fuel combustion is a major contributor to global warming.

- Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas that can stay in the atmosphere for up to 114 years.

3. 医疗应用:作为一种剂,N2O在医疗领域中被广泛应用。它可以缓解疼痛和焦虑,同时又很快地排出体内,不会对身体造成负担。


- The use of nitrous oxide during childbirth can be an effective pain relief option for some women.

- Nitrous oxide is commonly used in emergency medicine to relieve pain and anxiety in patients.

4. 滥用食品:N2O在食品加工领域中也被广泛使用,如在奶制品和甜点中制作泡沫、奶油和冰淇淋等。然而,过度使用N2O会对健康造成负面影响。


- The excessive use of nitrous oxide in food production has prompted concerns about its impact on the environment.

- Nitrous oxide is sometimes used as a recreational drug due to its euphoric effects, but this is illegal and dangerous.

5. 生产应用:除了医疗和食品加工领域,N2O还被广泛应用于其他工业和农业生产中。例如,在氮肥生产过程中会产生大量的N2O排放,这对环境和全球气候变化造成了威胁。


- Nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture can be reduced by implementing more sustainable farming practices.

- The use of nitrous oxide in manufacturing electronics can result in the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere.



1. 氧化亚氮是一种用于和腐烂的气体。

2. 医生在开展手术时可能会使用氧化亚氮。

3. 氧化亚氮也被用作气体火箭推进剂。




例句:Um, 201 Williams St., Madison, Wisconsin. (Um, 2o1 Wlliams St. , Madison, Wsconsin.)


例句:The O2O in Zhuhai Haina town is typically significant for understanding the meaning, characteristics and advantages of O2O business model and demonstrates good prospects for development. (珠海海纳城的O2O商业模式,是一个典型案例,并显示出良好的发展前景。)


例句:The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique. (用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N_2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N_2O气体一个重要的源。)


例句:As a good nitrating agent, N2O5 has been widely used in the nitration of aromatic compounds. (翻译:N2O5作为一种优良的硝化剂,已被广泛应用于各种芳烃化合物的硝化反应中。)


n2o一般作为名词使用,如在N2O([=nitrous oxide]氧化亚氮,笑气)、n2o/cf4 plasma(N2O/CF4电浆)、o.n.o([网络] 价钱可以商量)等常见短语中出现较多。

N2O[=nitrous oxide]氧化亚氮,笑气
n2o/cf4 plasmaN2O/CF4电浆
o.n.o[网络] 价钱可以商量
o.n.o.abbr. or near offer 或依买方接近售价的出价
n.o[网络] 常开;常开接点;常开档
n.o.abbr. not out
o.n[网络] 表示每晚;氧化数;球落至果岭
O.N.[网络] 辛烷值;氧化数;石油
O2[医] 氧(8号元素); 两眼
o'o[网络] 糯;喔喔;不好


1. The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique. (翻译:用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N_2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N_2O气体一个重要的源。)

2. As a good nitrating agent, N2O5 has been widely used in the nitration of aromatic compounds. (翻译:N2O5作为一种优良的硝化剂,已被广泛应用于各种芳烃化合物的硝化反应中。)

3. This means increasing our commitment to mobile and O2O when and where it's most appropriate. (翻译:这意味着我们要在最合适的时间和地点增加对移动和O2O的投入。)

4. factorial N plus 2 V on factorial 3 V plus 2 (翻译:N 加 2V 的阶乘比 3V 加 2 的阶乘)

5. Presented in Chapter 2 are the experimental details on synthesis of the bicyclic heterocycles bearing an N-O bond. (翻译:本论文有关合成含N-O键双环杂环化合物的实验结果收录在第二章。)

6. o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n with WPA, WPA2, WEP, 802.1X authentication(1) (翻译:o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n,支持WPA WPA2 WEP 802.1X认证 )

7. From a purely N2O accounting point of view, it is also necessary to search more certainty of the sink terms discussed. (翻译:从一个纯粹N2O会计观点,搜寻被谈论的水槽期限的更多把握也是必要的。)

8. So if you make n=2 and expand it, you get (x^2) + 2xy + (y^2). (翻译:当 n=2时, 二项式展开你会得到 x^2 + 2xy + y^2。)

9. But at oxygen concentrations decrease to hypoxic levels, these waters can increase their production of N2O. (翻译:但当氧气浓度下降到缺氧的水平,这些水域就会增加一氧化二氮的生成。)

10. The application of N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometer to measure of Cobalt in The expanded alloy is studied. (翻译:采用了N2O-C2H2火焰原子吸收光谱法测定膨胀合金中钴。)

11. The trouble is with G-Wing 206 from Sydney to Haneda. (翻译:出事的是悉尼往羽田的G -Wing2O6)

12. I didn't quite catch his surname—was it Morn-M-O-R-N? (翻译:我没听清楚他姓什么——是 Morn——M-O-R-N 吗? )

13. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last time I will address you as the president of N.O.M.A.N. or as a member. (翻译:各位,这是我最后一次以会长 或会员的身份发表演讲)

14. This article to the N2O4 nature, the facture and makes the detailed elaboration in the DMSO production application. (翻译:本文对N2O4的性质、制法和在DMSO生产中的应用作出详细论述。)

15. C.N.O., is this a stop, board, and seize operation? (翻译:-没错 作战部长 这是一次登船占领行动吗)




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