simulata是什么意思 simulata的中文翻译、读音、例句


simulata是什么意思 simulata的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Simulata是一个从“simulator”(模拟器)这个词汇中派生而来的缩写词,用于描述各种类型的模拟器。它可以指虚拟现实设备、计算机仿真、飞行模拟器等等。

2. 用途:Simulata被广泛应用于许多领域,如航空、军事、医学、工程等。它们的设计和使用可以让人们进行实验和测试,以了解复杂系统的运行方式,以及开发和测试新技术。

3. 特点:Simulata的特点是它们可以准确地模拟实际环境,并且可以提供真实的反馈和体验。它们也可以让使用者避免风险和代价高昂的试验和实验。

4. 应用实例:Simulata在许多领域都有广泛应用。以下是五个英文例句:

- The flight simulation software uses Simulata technology to emulate the experience of flying.

- The military uses Simulata technology to train soldiers in various combat scenarios.

- Medical students use Simulata software to practice different surgical techniques without risking the lives of real patients.

- Simulata software is used to test the safety of new car designs without the need for costly physical tests.

- Engineers use Simulata technology to test the performance of complex systems, such as power grids or renewable energy systems.

5. 发展趋势:Simulata技术正在不断发展,以满足现代社会对仿真和实验的需求。例如,虚拟现实技术正在被应用于Simulata系统,以提供更加逼真的体验。同时,新的应用领域也在不断涌现,如智能家居、物联网等。



1. Questo è solo un gioco simulato, non lasciarti influenzare dalle emozioni.


2. Il software di simulazione ci ha permesso di testare il prodotto in modo efficiente.


3. Ho utilizzato un simulatore di volo per migliorare le mie abilità di pilotaggio.





例句:Sim Lan, go prepare things for operation of Mr. Genius (go prepare things for operation of Mr. Genius)


例句:Mr. Eaton said you managed to free him from the sim. (伊顿先生说你让他脱离了控制 Mr. Eaton said you managed to free him from the sim.)


simulata一般作为名词使用,如在Parathelypteris simulata([网络]。)等常见短语中出现较多。

Parathelypteris simulata[网络]。


1. Initializing Dauntless sim. (翻译:启动无畏派情境模拟 Initializing Dauntless sim.)

2. And the technology we have developed -- it's called SIM OFDM. (翻译:我们开发的这项技术 叫SIM OFDM. )

3. Yes, Sim Lan, get out Treasure out (翻译:get out Treasure out)

4. We found a foreign SIM card in your office... where did it come from? (翻译:国外注册的SIM卡,你从哪里弄来的? 从哪里弄来的SIM卡?)

5. It is up to you, the player, to guide your Sim and establish his or her place in the community. (翻译:由玩家你来决定如何指引你的Sim,如何在这个社区建立自己的生活。)

6. All our products have obtained the certifications of TUV, ce, CQC, and UL. (翻译:我公司所有产品均获得了TUV认证,CE认证,CQC认证和UL认证。)

7. According to the different markets' dems, KMM has got the UL CE certificate, the product materials meet the ROHS requirements. (翻译:根据不同市场需求,取得了美国“UL”、欧盟的“CE”安全认证,产品物料符合ROHS环保要求。)

8. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. (翻译:乐乐 机械天才 Happy, a mechanical prodigy. 射手酸奶 安sim 青椒 狮子章鱼X ellaxinxin 兜兜兜爹倩倩)

9. An initial production inspection (IPI) is an inspection that must be conducted prior to the first shipment of products bearing the UL Mark. (翻译:初始生产检查是具有保险商实验所标志的货物在运输前所必须进行的检查。)

10. This list is all Echelon intercept calls containing SIM information and name Max Peterson. (翻译:这份清单是Echelon截获的电话记录 每条都有Max Peterson这个名字)

11. I didn't kidnap the girl, sir.. - We found a SIM card in your office. (翻译:我们在你的办公室里面找到了一张国外注册的SIM卡)

12. But Felix, keep the SIM, alright? (翻译:但菲利克斯,保留那电话卡,好吗? But Felix, keep the SIM, alright?)

13. SIM card has to be in a sealable enclosure. (翻译:SIM卡必须要在一个密封的外壳里。)

14. The SIM card stolen from ASD. (翻译:从ASD偷走的电话卡 The SIM card stolen from ASD.)

15. It seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards. (翻译:植入的芯片似乎会发射一种反向信号 It seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal 来确保被植入者不受SIM卡神经波的影响 to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards.)




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