
关于”面对困难“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Facing difficulties。以下是关于面对困难的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”面对困难“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Facing difficulties。以下是关于面对困难的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Facing difficulties

Facing Difficulties


Life is full of challenges and difficulties. As students, we often encounter various obstacles that test our determination and resilience. One such challenge that many students face is the difficulty of learning and mastering the English language.


English, being a global language, holds great importance in today's world. It is not only a means of communication but also a gateway to opportunities. However, many students find it challenging to excel in this subject due to various reasons.


One of the common difficulties faced by students in learning English is the lack of exposure to the language outside the claoom. English may not be the native language in their surroundings, it harder to practice and immerse themselves in it. However, instead of being discouraged by this limitation, an excellent student rises above it by seeking out opportunities to practice English through various means. They may engage in language exchange programs, join English conversation clubs, or even find language learning partners online. By actively seeking exposure to English, they create an environment conducive to language learning.


Another obstacle that students face is the complex grammar and vocabulary rules in English. Memorizing the rules and applying them correctly can be a daunting task. However, an excellent student approaches this challenge with dedication and perseverance. They develop effective study habits, breaking down the grammar and vocabulary into smaller, manageable parts. They make use of flashcards, online resources, and practice exercises to reinforce their understanding. They are not afraid to ask questions or seek clarification from their teachers or peers. Through continuous practice and revision, they gradually build their knowledge and confidence in English.


In addition to these individual efforts, an excellent student also understands the importance of seeking help and support from others. They actively partite in English cl, asking for explanations when needed and seeking feedback on their progress. They form study groups with classmates, where they can discuss and practice English together. They make use of available resources such as language learning apps, dictionaries, and language learning websites. By utilizing these resources and collaborating with others, they enhance their learning experience and overcome difficulties more effectively.


In conclusion, learning English can be a challenging journey, but an excellent student faces these difficulties with determination and resilience. They seek out opportunities to practice, break down complex concepts, seek help from others, and make use of available resources. Through their perseverance and continuous efforts, they not only excel in English but also develop valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.



In the face of difficulties, the most important thing is to calm down and think about it. Maybe we will find a way out. This is my own experience when facing difficulties.

Life is full of ups and downs. What we need to do is to be prepared for all unexpected things. Take one of my stories as an example.

When I was a primary school student, I would rather go out without the permission of my parents. I just like to travel around Swing feeling, in order to find exciting things, most of the time I indulge in the game, almost forget the time. With the passage of time, I lost my way and didn't know where to go home.

I became more and more afraid. I didn't know what to do at the beginning. I felt like crying, but I held back, because my father always asked me to be confident and never give up in difficult situations.

I began to calm down and slowly recall the places I had been to before and those good things around me With the help of my heart and soul, I finally found my way home. Although the whole journey has been full of uncertainty for more than ten years, when I think about this experience, I can hardly restrain my real feelings. I always feel proud that I have enough confidence when I encounter difficulties and can actively deal with the problems at hand.

Remember, when you encounter difficulties, be confident that you will find your way.




Instructions: for this section, you can write a short article in a few minutes entitled "what should we do when facing difficulties", commenting on American writer Anna Lewis strong's famous saying "lighting a candle is better than cursing the dark"; "what should we do when we are facing difficulties"; "when we are facing difficulties, we What should be done? " We all know that in our daily life, everyone will encounter difficulties. How to overcome them successfully is a problem worth considering. First of all, we should be full of confidence in ourselves.

Everyone will experience difficulties and failures. People have no confidence in themselves. They dare not face the opposite troubles.

Of course, others choose to face them bravely. The result is completely different from the former When the situation is difficult, please remember to take courage and smile. Moreover, we must keep calm and yze the reasons for failure.

It is closely related to the last but not the least success. Persistence also plays an important role, because sometimes the difficult days are very long, we should be patient and never give up, because success will come sooner or later When we feel helpless, our confidence and persistence will certainly help us through the most difficult period. If we smile at everything, tomorrow will be a good day.







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