condolence是什么意思 condolence的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


condolence是什么意思 condolence的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词性和定义:condolence是一个名词,表示对某人的哀悼和慰问。通常用于向家人、朋友、同事等表达对于某人逝世或者遭受不幸的慰问。

2. 用法和搭配:通常用于表示慰问、哀悼、安慰、同情等情感。常见的搭配有:express/offer/extend/send condolences (向某人表达/提供/表示/送上慰问)、condolence message/card/letter (慰问短信/卡片/信函)、condolence visit (慰问探望)等。

3. 同义词和反义词:condolence的同义词包括sympathy, compassion, empathy等,反义词则是indifference (冷漠)。

4. 原词形态变化:condolence没有复数形式,也无法用作动词。其形容词形式为condolent。

5. 例句:

- I’d like to express my deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your father. (我想向你和你的家人表达我最深切的慰问,对于你父亲的离世我感到非常难过。)

- His classmates sent him a condolence card when they heard that his grandmother had passed away. (得知他的祖母去世后,他的同学们给他寄了一张慰问卡片。)

- We extend our heartfelt condolences to the victims of the earthquake and their families. (我们向地震遇难者及其家人表示最诚挚的慰问。)

- The prime minister made a condolence visit to the flood-hit region and promised to provide support and aid. (到洪涝灾区慰问,并承诺提供支持和援助。)

- The whole community was filled with condolent messages and gestures after the tragic accident. (在这场悲剧事件发生后,整个社区都充满了慰问的信息和姿态。)



1. I offer my sincerest condolence to you and your family on the loss of your father.(我对你和你家人失去父亲的悲痛表示最真挚的慰问。)

2. The president expressed his condolence to the families of the victims of the plane crash.(总统向飞机坠毁事件的遇难者家属表示慰问。)

3. The whole community gathered to express their condolence for the family who lost their home in the fire.(整个社区聚集在一起,为失去家园的家庭表示哀悼。)




例句:Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko expressed the deepest sympathy and condolence to the families of the victims. (白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科向遇难者亲属致以最深切的同情和慰问。)


例句:Mr Brown had earlier misspelt her surname in a letter of condolence. (此前,布朗先生曾在悼词中拼错了这位母亲的姓。)


例句:Letters of condolence have been received from leaders around the world. (威力最惊人的... 世界各国领袖 纷纷来信表示哀悼)


例句:He walked like a man on the losing side of the F.A. Cup Final mounting the steps to collect his condolence medal. (翻译:他像世界杯决赛失败的人 那样走着路, 一步步登上阶梯领取他的安慰奖。)


condolence一般作为名词使用,如在letter of condolence(吊唁信)、message of condolence(唁电)等常见短语中出现较多。

letter of condolence吊唁信
message of condolence唁电


1. Letters of condolence have been received from leaders around the world. (翻译:威力最惊人的... 世界各国领袖 纷纷来信表示哀悼)

2. He walked like a man on the losing side of the F.A. Cup Final mounting the steps to collect his condolence medal. (翻译:他像世界杯决赛失败的人 那样走着路, 一步步登上阶梯领取他的安慰奖。)

3. When he died of illness at the age of 22, many Japanese sent condolence messages, bouquets and offerings to the zoo. (翻译:“玲玲”从中国来到日本已经有16年了,在他22岁因病死亡时,很多日本民众都发来哀悼信,并给公园送上花束和祭品。)

4. Your diarist wrote condolence notes to every Pole in his contacts book after the tragedy. (翻译:悲剧发生后,我们的记者在他的书中对每个波兰人写了封吊唁信。)

5. In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly. (翻译:事实上,总统已经事先准备好了一场未雨绸缪的吊唁演讲。)

6. The Police Commissioner expressed condolence and pledged to solve the case as soon as possible (翻译:警务处长发表声明 对黄志诚警司的死表示沉重哀悼 并承诺尽快破案)

7. This is the person that Fen Shen walked out of her black cloth while she was in a deep sorrow giving a condolence. (翻译:这个朋友就是分身从她的黑衣走出来,当她是在很深的悲痛陈述她的哀悼。)

8. Mr Brown had earlier misspelt her surname in a letter of condolence. (翻译:此前,布朗先生曾在悼词中拼错了这位母亲的姓。)

9. Your diarist wrote condolence notes to every Pole in his contacts book after the tragedy. (翻译:悲剧发生后,我们的记者在他的书中对每个波兰人写了封吊唁信。)

10. Neil sent him a letter of condolence. (翻译:尼尔给他发了一封吊唁信。)

11. "I cannot find enough words to express my condolence, " Wen said, winding up to the thirty-degree option. (翻译:他说,最后选择做30度的鞠躬。)

12. In fact, President Richard Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly. (翻译:事实上,总统已准备好悼念演讲稿,以备发生不测时发表。)

13. Some left condolence cards. (翻译:有的人留下了吊唁卡。)




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