deadlocked是什么意思 deadlocked的中文翻译、读音、例句

deadlocked的意思是"死锁、陷入僵局的",作为名词时有"〈美〉【体】实力相等的"的意思,发音音标为[美 ˈdedˌlɑkt],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到92个与deadlocked相关的释义和例句。

deadlocked是什么意思 deadlocked的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:deadlocked指的是一种僵局,即两个或多个对立方之间的冲突无法得到解决,没有任何一方能够获胜或取得优势。

2. 用法:该词通常用于描述、谈判或协商过程中的僵局,也可以用于比赛或竞争中的情况,表示双方或多方都无法取得胜利。

3. 同义词:stalemate, impasse, standoff


1. The peace talks have been deadlocked for weeks, with neither party willing to make any concessions. (和平谈判已经陷入僵局数周,双方都不愿做出任何让步。)

2. The negotiations over the budget are deadlocked, with lawmakers unable to agree on how to allocate funds. (关于预算的谈判陷入僵局,立法者们无法就如何分配资金达成一致。)

3. The game ended in a deadlocked tie, with neither team able to score a goal. (比赛以死局结束,两队都无法进球。)

4. The talks between the union and the management have been deadlocked over pay and working conditions. (关于薪酬和工作条件的谈判在工会和管理层之间陷入了僵局。)

5. The court case has been deadlocked for months, with the jury unable to reach a verdict. (这个法庭案件已经陷入僵局数月了,陪审团无法作出裁决。)





1. The negotiations have been deadlocked for weeks. (这些谈判已经僵局数周。)

2. The dispute between the two countries seems to be deadlocked. (这两个国家之间的争端似乎陷入了僵局。)




例句:But it too appears deadlocked, with the Republicans once again ruling out tax increases of any kind. (但由于共和党又一次否决所有的增税行为,委员会也呈僵持之态。)


例句:The peace talks have been deadlocked over the issue of human rights since August. (和平对话在问题上从八月份就已经陷入了僵局。)


例句:But declined for various reasons Huludao City to accept the removal of the Banking Board decision, on both sides was deadlocked. (但葫芦岛市委以种种理由谢绝接受银监局的该项免职抉择,两边一度僵持不下。)


例句:Specifies the relative importance that the current session continue processing if it is deadlocked with another session. (翻译:指定当前会话与其他会话发生死锁时继续处理的相对重要性。)


1. But declined for various reasons Huludao City to accept the removal of the Banking Board decision, on both sides was deadlocked. (翻译:但葫芦岛市委以种种理由谢绝接受银监局的该项免职抉择,两边一度僵持不下。)

2. Specifies the relative importance that the current session continue processing if it is deadlocked with another session. (翻译:指定当前会话与其他会话发生死锁时继续处理的相对重要性。)

3. So, long islands dispute deadlocked Island, why it continues to heat up in the most recent period? (翻译:那么,长期僵持不下的岛屿争岛,为何会在最近一段时间持续升温呢?)

4. Of this there is no sign. The substantive issues of power sharing and autonomy remain deadlocked. Nor is a future agreement at all likely. (翻译:然而丝毫没有对话的迹象,权利共享,自治权等重大议题一直处于僵局状态,各方也没有达成任何类似的协议。)

5. And yet just last week, a jury deadlocked on these murder charges, six to six, Mr. Brody. (翻译:但上周评审团对于此案投票 形成六对六的僵局 Brody先生)

6. This leads to the sort of burden-sharing negotiations that easily get deadlocked. (翻译:这就容易导致走向死胡同的某种负担分担的谈判。)

7. Congress deadlocked, and the country's problems -- drugs, poverty, crime, corruption -- spun out of control. (翻译:国会陷入僵持,而这个国家面临的问题—— 、贫困、犯罪、—— 都失去了控制 )

8. The situation was deadlocked; the planet doomed. (翻译:僵持局面出现了,地球末日来到了。)

9. Mr. Obama said he would continue negotiations on a Korea-U. S. free trade agreement, which deadlocked Thursday. (翻译:说,他将就上周四陷于僵局的韩国-美国自由贸易协定继续进行谈判。)

10. Yes, well, the judge would only declare us deadlocked if we were evenly split. (翻译:如果我们投出对等的票数 法官就会宣判僵局)

11. However, Blizzard has not regress, which eventually led to negotiations between the two sides deadlocked proxy. (翻译:然而,暴雪方面却不愿退步,最终导致双方的权谈判陷入僵局。)

12. And the Israelites dig in along the northern ridge, and the Philistines dig in along the southern ridge, and the two armies just sit there for weeks and stare at each other, because they're deadlocked. (翻译:然后以色列人沿着北边的山脊掘壕固守 腓力斯人则守在南边的山脊 双方僵持了数周 大眼瞪小眼,因为他们都陷入僵局了 )

13. When the smoke had cleared, the renewal bill was defeated by a single vote in the House and was deadlocked in the Senate. (翻译:一切已经清楚 延期许可以一票之差在众议院遭到否决 在参议院陷入僵持)

14. United States senior generals said the profit situation was deadlocked after Lee opposition said the NATO air attack killed five people. (翻译:一美国高级将领表示,利局势正陷入僵局,此前利反对派称北约的空袭令五人丧生。)

15. The UFT is in deadlocked negotiations with City Hall over the terms of the teachers expired contract with the city. (翻译:UFT就合同条款和市进行的谈判现在陷入了僵局。)




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